Introducing: LendersBenchmark Analyzer For Small Business Lending​
It’s time to turn the page on lagging data and performance analytics. LendersBenchmark Analyzer For Small Business Lending’s near-real-time
data and insights allow lenders to identify and capitalize on opportunities
in originations and portfolio quickly and more effectively.​
What LendersBenchmark Analyzer For Small Business Delivers​
Request a demo and see a sample of: ​
- Your institution’s competitive position in terms of volume, pricing, cycle times and more​
- Curinos’ comprehensive data attributes including product, pricing, geography, credit risk, NAICS, collateral type and more​
- Its white-space discovery, competitive price positioning and marketing effectiveness potential​
- Its easily accessible and user-friendly delivery model options
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Where LendersBenchmark Analyzer For
Small Business Lending Wins​
The only consortium of its kind, providing insight into small business originations and portfolio performance​
Delivers a scalable a dynamic framework to proactively manage margins and optimize operational performance​
Provides aggregated, anonymized insights (lender vs. peer), including: product, market share, pricing opportunity, credit risk comparatives, operational efficiency, marketing effectiveness and white-space discovery​
Want to go further?
Contact us to learn more about how Curinos can help you navigate today and prepare for tomorrow.