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Wealth Analyzer

Industry leading visibility into wealth cash portfolio performance and true rate paid data. 

Make informed decisions based on historically private data and insights

Wealth Analyzer exposes industry performance trends and pricing strategies to help you better understand your portfolio and make more-informed strategic decisions in a space that traditionally lacks visibility and information sharing. 

Curinos provides firms valuable insights to drive intelligent portfolio and pricing optimization you can trust.

Wealth Management and Private Banking clients with wealth-specific, customer-level deposit tiers.
Track Acquisition
And Portfolio Rates
Detailed betas and deposits dispersion inclusive of exception pricing across products and tiers.
Flow Of Funds
Track acquisition, attrition and money movement across your balance sheet .

Solution Highlights

Gain insight into how your institution is performing relative to your peers and access industry trends across key performance metrics with just a few clicks.
  • Consistent Intelligence And Data
  • Innovative And Actionable Insights
  • Full Portfolio Rates
Consistent Intelligence And Data

Sourced from account-level data with uniform definitions and metrics calculation across institutions.

Innovative And Actionable Insights

Proprietary metrics created by leading experts in consumer and banking to support business processes, plus actionable segmentation schemes such as rate bands, vintage-based, customer vs. account acquisitions and more.

Full Portfolio Rates

Rate dispersion by product, term and tier shows where acquisition rates and portfolio rates track over time. What are competitors actually paying to their entire portfolio supplements data on rate sheet pricing.

Wealth Analyzer By The Numbers

Participating Banks and Broker-Dealer Firms
Curinos-Tracked Wealth Deposits
Firms Contributing​

Our Insights

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