Introducing: Distribution Analyzer
Distribution Analyzer is a breakthrough tool for banks and credit unions
looking to improve in-branch performance, solve staffing challenges,
and awaken dormant traditional revenue streams.
What Distribution Analyzer Delivers
Request a demo and see a sample of:
- Your sales performance compared to your peers, normalized for individual branch market opportunities
- Data-backed optimizations of staffing/workplace structure efficiency and productivity
- Realistic goal-setting fueled by historical and comparative data
- The quality of your digitally acquired customers/members
- Your opportunities to optimize omnichannel performance in sales, service and staffing
Looking for an even more powerful branch and network optimization tool?
Turn to Distribution Optimizer:
Read The Latest
Where Distribution Analyzer Wins
Of The Top 20 U.S. Banks
Are Sourced In Our Data
Branches Analyzed Monthly
Improvement In Performance
Accurate and consistent comparative data sourced from the customer and account level
Easily accessible and flexible delivery methods, allowing data to be exported into your own analytical environment
Pre-packaged use-case tools powered by our proprietary analytical models and normalization techniques in support of goaling, staffing, sales management and more
Access to Interactive sessions with Curinos leaders and an exclusive annual benchmarking report
Want to go further?
Contact us to learn more about how Curinos can help you navigate today and prepare for tomorrow.