How Optimized Checking Account Origination Can Create Relationship Primacy

The quality of digital checking account origination has improved in the past two years, but a sizable gap remains between digital- and branch-originated relationships: A year after origination, digital balances are up to 10x lower and retention rates are 20% lower. Banks and credit unions continue to improve their origination journeys, but significant changes are still needed to achieve the mobile-first origination journeys of leading digital players. Watch to understand current performance levels for digital checking account origination and explore how digital origination will evolve to balance security, speed and deeper customer engagement.
  1. Performance benchmarks for digital checking account origination
  2. Journey design of leading (and lagging) players
  3. Considerations for evolving your account origination
  1. Understanding the business case for driving digital origination quality improvement
  2. Objective frameworks for assessing and improving your digital origination performance
  3. Actionable insights for near-term and longer-term experience design

Speakers: Suraya Randawa, Head of Omnichannel Experience | Andrew Hovet, Managing Director

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